Our Subscription

Unlock Exclusive Master Classes with SignaTrain
With a SignaTrain subscription, you gain access to an exclusive selection of up to 15 master classes annually, all for an investment of just $12,000. This amount is conveniently payable in quarterly installments.
Maximize Your Savings
Opt for annual payment and benefit from substantial discounts on your subscription. By paying the annual fee upfront, the primary subscriber’s fee is reduced to $10,000, and any additional team members can join for just $5,000 each. This is our way of rewarding your commitment to continuous learning and development.
Empower Your Team with SignaTrain
Interested in empowering more members of your team with SignaTrain's resources? Each additional member from your organization can join for only $6,000 per person, also payable quarterly. It's a fantastic way to broaden your team's expertise while enjoying significant savings. For further assistance or to subscribe, please contact customer service.

Ready to Transform Your Learning Experience?

Click here to quickly reach out to our team with any inquiries or needs you might have. Our dedicated customer service team is here to assist you with any questions and to learn more about how SignaTrain can meet your company’s unique needs. 
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